Goldie sponsorship
Our goal is $3,500… Your Chicken Queen is counting on you

Greta Gremlin, Salad Fingers, Psycho Wendy’s Girl – it’s been a wild and weird ride, Puck Pack! Now, get ready for my biggest cosplay adventure yet: GOLDIE, the sexy blond chicken from the 1991 animated cult classic / box office bomb, ROCK-A-DOODLE!

This is the Big One, folks! I’ll be flying out of state to shoot with MyPetMonsterGirl who has graciously agreed to give me the full body paint and prosthetics treatment as I transform into a very dirty birdie – beak and all!
To up the stakes, I’ll be shooting two separate B/G scenes. And that’s where you come in, loyal fan: I need YOUR help to make my twisted fantasy come to life!
With expenses like costumes, flights and lodging for me and my amazing co-star, this is a big undertaking that I can’t do all on my own. That is why I’m launching LITTLE PUCK’S CREATURE FEATURE, where you get to sponsor some movie magic and help a big tiddy biddy get laid (see what I did there?).

We shoot on March 1 and you have until February 24 to get in on some very succulent offers:
CHICKEN LITTLE ($40) Both CREATURE FEA TURE clips (B/G scenes x2)
PECKER PRINCE ($75) Both CREATURE FEATURE clips, HD photoset, GIF pack, 1 video from the Puck archives (your choice).
ROOSTER KING ($150) Producer credit (both videos), a personal ‘thank you’ video from the set (in full cosplay), any 2 videos from my store, both CREATURE FEATURE clips, all photos and BTS / reels.
COCK OF THE WALK ($500) Only 2 slots available! design a scene in either of my POV B/G vids! DM for details PLUS the Rooster King Treatment.

Thank You Little Puck Pack!